Sustainability Initiatives

Georgia Ports Authority (GPA), an operator and facilitator of all of Georgia’s ports and trade though those terminals, is home to the fastest growing port in the U.S. and serves as a significant economic engine for the state and region. GPA brought in Soloflight to help educate the general public about its progressive, comprehensive and flexible growth model – designed explicitly to bridge economic and environmental imperatives.


Soloflight developed a creative cornerstone that could be pulled through various marketing channels throughout the campaign – “We Use Less to Move More.” This tagline was created to illustrate GPA’s sustainability impact through numbers and demonstrate the organization’s commitment to being good stewards of public financial and natural resources. With the support of the general public and thoughtful grassroots message seeding, the team created a ground-up communications model designed to ultimately reach political and environmental influencers.

Ga Ports Authority


Small eco-footprint,
big marketing impact

The Soloflight team created a microsite to clearly tell the story of GPA’s approach to sustainability and explain the important role the Port plays in driving economic growth in the southeast region. The site provided a destination for people to further realize the breadth and depth of the Port’s modernization and continued expansion.


Soloflight crafted the story online using honest and informational language, clear infographics and other visuals including photos, videos and illustrations. All web content was designed to appeal to a range of audiences from laymen to experts, with the opportunity for visitors to access greater technical detail about specific initiatives. The team used the Parallax effect, a visually engaging technique that uses staggered layering to provide a sense of movement and depth to an otherwise static site. By combining elegant, navigable design with easy-to-digest information about GPA, Soloflight provided an anchor for the sustainability campaign that simultaneously invited guests along for the journey.

Ga Ports Authority icon


We Use Less to Move More

The Soloflight team determined the most effective channels to drive awareness of the Port’s economic impact and the environmental benefits of its increased efficiency. The team planned and executed a series of ads that would forge passionate advocacy among key constituents and the community at large.


Bringing sustainability
to life

Soloflight designed a clean and clear brochure that would explain GPA’s dedication to streamlining efficiencies and improving its environmental impact. The brochure featured the same look and feel as the website and ad campaign to deliver a cohesive visual message.


From Ship-to-Shore

The marketing strategy devised by Soloflight used hard data to tell a hero story of sustainability and economic stimulus. The infographic was created for use on the microsite and then adapted for the brochure to allow their audience to visualize the Journey of a Container from Ship to Shore.
